Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Trip to Wisconsin

Here are a few pictures I snapped on our trip up to Wisconsin for my brother's wedding. It is a very long and hard trip especially for the kids but God is good and we made it there safely.
This is the sunrise I saw outside our hotel in
Perryville, Missouri at 5am
This is a picture of the Mississippi River. I
snapped it from a moving car on a rainy day
so hopefully it's not too blurry.
These are of  St. Louis, Missouri as we drove
by on the by-pass. It was as close as we got to
the arch but the kids enjoyed seeing it.
This is some of the countryside that we drove
through in Wisconsin. We ended up showing Arica
the apartment we lived in when she was born and
the first house Aaron and I lived in after we got married.
We were able to relive some wonderful memories on our
trip and share them with our children.

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