Friday, August 16, 2013

Carter's doctor appointment

Tuesday we took Carter to the eye doctor in Dallas. Carter has alternating esotropia and we were going back to discuss possible surgery. They looked at Carter's eyes and didn't see any improvement. Surgery has been tentatively scheduled for August 27th at 12:30 in the afternoon. Please pray for us right now as all of this is tentative until we know what is going to happen with Aaron's back and work situation. God is good and takes care of his children, but we covet your prayers right now more than ever. Here is a picture of Carter at the doctor office. He is such a trooper. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Carter turns 5!

My little boy turned 5 years old today. It's hard to believe but it's true. He has gotten so big he'll probably be taller than me in another 5 years. God has brought Carter so far with the help of some wonderful therapists in the last year it is almost mind boggling. Carter brings so much joy to people around him. Several of his therapists through the years have told me that if they are having a bad day coming to see Carter makes it better. All of our kids are blessings but God blessed Carter with a very sensitive and loving spirit and he has brought us a lot of joy. Please pray for us as we are taking him to the optamologist tomorrow. They will be looking at his eyes again and we will be discussing whether or not he will need surgery. If surgery is needed it won't be a major surgery but any surgery is a concern and we would appreciate your prayers. I'll try and update tomorrow with what the doctor says. Here is a picture of Carter with his birthday cake. He was very excited this year. I also found some pictures of him as a baby. It is amazing to see how far God has brought him and believe me it has been a long journey. God is good and has given us the grace we needed when we've needed it.
Carter in the NICU 

Carter was in the NICU for 2 weeks before he could come home

Having fun at the park with Mommy and Arica
YES! It's my birthday and I get cake!