Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Carter and physical therapy

Once again with a little break in school, I was able to be a part of Carter's therapy. He really enjoys it and it has made dramatic improvements on his ability to be somewhat independent. The funny thing about Carter is he enjoys almost everything he does and to him he does not even realize he is in therapy. To Carter he is just playing on a big red bouncy ball. I think God gives grace to special little boys so life is not as hard for him as we may think it is sometimes. We are so thankful for our little Carter man.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Preaching in Union Grove Texas

This past Sunday I had the honor of filling the pulpit for Bro. Zappa and the Union Grove Baptist Church. I preached on the greatest verse in all the bible John 3:16. I preached that this verse contains:
1. The greatest God
2. The greatest love
3. The greatest mission field
4. The greatest gift
5. The greatest grace
It was a great learning experience for me. I'm thankful to my pastor Dr. Bob Gray II for giving us preachers a chance to serve in real life ministry work. Here are a few picture of the service. Special thanks to the TBC quartet for providing our music for the morning service.