Thursday, February 23, 2012

Enjoying the day

I caught Arica and Carter in the doorway this evening while I was making supper. I took this picture to share with y'all. Have a good night.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Great week soul winning

God is good. He used me this week to see 8 souls saved, and a family came to church with me and were baptized. God will use any one. This in Nick Small pictured here, just coming out of the water. God is good.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Carter "helping" mommy vacuum

Carter decided he wanted to vacuum today so after I was done I let him "help". He is such a joy and blessing to our family and always eager to help out.

Carter and Bailey "reading"

Carter was sitting in the recliner looking at his current favorite book and Bailey decided to climb up and join her big brother. They looked so cute sitting there "reading" their books I just had to quickly snap a picture. We hope you have a good weekend.