Friday, December 30, 2011


This morning we were cleaning out the refrigerator, and as I came back to put the shelves in, I found Carter like this. He is such a funny boy. When he was born I did not know what we were going to do with him, and now I could not imagine what we would do without him.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Childrens Christmas program

Here is a picture of Carter's pewee choir singing last night. We did record it but for some reason the sound wasn't working. Hope you had a great Christmas.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

I just wanted to tell everyone Merry Christmas. Don't forget to take a quiet moment to thank Jesus for coming to be born and live for 33 years on this earth. But most of all thank Him for paying for our sins on Calvary and giving us the gift of eternal life. I was thinking last night as I was making up a batch of butter cookies of all the loved ones that are in Heaven. I can not imagine not knowing that I will see them again someday. That gives me something to look forward to and the hope to get through the tough times. So enjoy the time spent with family and presents and good food but don't forget to remember all Jesus has done for us. Have a Merry Christmas and God bless.

Friday, December 23, 2011

I found this today and thought I'd share it with you. Hope it encourages you like it did me.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The picture says it all

Carter at Therapy

I was fortunate enough to be home today to be part of Carter's occupational therapy. I don't get to be part of them much because of my schedule . The therapist is great and, enjoyed letting the other Kids join in. Praise God for people who give of themselves to help others.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Date with Arica

This morning Arica and I got up a little early,and headed out to one of our favorite restaurants for a little Daddy daughter time. We talked about school, and what she has learned in Sunday school. We have been reading Psalms 1 in the car on the way to school in the mornings. I am teaching her the importance of not walking with the ungodly. Praise God for children who love Him and want to do His work.

Soul Winning

It was my honor to lead this man to Christ Saturday . I was out with my good friend Andy Long, missionary to India. We went to Kilgore Tx.and met this man Mr. Artis Roberson , at age 61 he bowed his head and trusted Christ as his savior. Amen Amen Amen!!!! Praise God for His Love.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Our street

I took this picture the other night on our way to church. I was just glancing down our street, thanking God for the beautiful weather, and how good he has been to our family.


The cutest little girl in east Texas

Carter at the college Christmas party

Yesterday we went down to the college for a Christmas party and Aaron took this picture of Carter. He walked around and showed that hat to everyone. Sometimes it is the simple things in life that bring the most joy and happiness. He was very proud of that hat and I thought you'd enjoy this picture. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. God bless.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Aaron preaching in Church

Aaron and six other college guys preached in church last night. I wasn't able to snap a picture of them all together but someone at church emailed us these pictures. I did however video Aaron preaching with my phone. It is too long to post directly to the blog but you can click on the link below to check it out on Vimeo. Hope you enjoy. Here is the link to the video.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Carter is ready for Christmas

Aaron came home from school this week to find Carter walking around like this. He has on Aaron's sunglasses and my Christmas bell. He loves that bell and it is funny to watch him play with it. Now I'll have to get the girls each one too. : ) We got a laugh out of this and thought you'd enjoy it too.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Great shopping day !!!

This is a picture of everything I picked up at Walgreens and CVS today. Before coupons and discounts the overall total came to $236.60 after all coupons and discounts my total out of pocket was $32.63 for a $203.97 savings.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from the Bruski Family

We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families. Don't forget to stop and take a moment to thank the Lord for all of His blessings. We are very blessed people and live in a great country. I know this country is far from perfect but we still live in the greatest country on earth. We also serve a great God that has given us the greatest gift we will ever receive. May you enjoy this day and all of the blessings from the Lord. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bailey eating her sucker from Pastor

I snapped this picture after church. Bailey sat down on the steps after church to eat her sucker. Pastor hands them out to all the kids after church and they look forward to them every week. She looked so cute sitting there I couldn't resist taking this picture. Hope you have a great weekend.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A day off from school

Last Friday Aaron and Arica had off from school so we went to the mall for a little while. The kids rode a little merry go round that is in the mall and thought I'd share a couple pictures. Sorry it took so long to get them posted but we've all been sick this last week except for Aaron. Hopefully we will all be back to normal by the weekend. Well we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Don't eat too much. LOL  : )

Monday, November 7, 2011

Carter in Dallas with "his" tree

Carter by "his" tree in the parking lot at
Childrens in Dallas. He had a check up
today and everything went well.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Aaron, Carter and Dr. Bob Gray Sr.

Our former pastor Bob Gray Sr. was in town this weekend and preached the morning and evening service. After church Sunday night we were able to get this picture of Aaron and Carter with him. It was such a
blessing to be able to hear him preach again. I still
remember the first time I heard him preach as a little  
girl. I am very thankful my children can now enjoy 
this privilege also. God is good.          

Friday, October 21, 2011

Carter playing outside

Carter is steering the steering wheel that
is in their little play area that Aaron put
 together for the kids. He loves playing
outside and has to be forced to come
inside. He loves helping Daddy with the
leaves and sticks. He has become quite
the big helper. He's growing up so fast.

Bailey playing in the yard

She is getting sooo big. She is just a joyful
bundle of energy. She has the biggest smile
and the most contagious laugh. God is good.

Arica playing outside today

Arica got a day off of school today due to
having the revival this week and we spent some
time outside cleaning up the yard and playing.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Carter and Pastor

Carter rode around the parking lot at church tonight
with Pastor and loved every second of it

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Breakfast with Pastor

Aaron and Arica got up early today and went to breakfast
with Pastor at IHOP. Aaron sent me this picture and we
thought you'd enjoy it too. She has been looking forward
to doing this with Daddy and Pastor since Aaron took
Carter. I am sure she was thrilled (we surprised her) and will be talking about it for days.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pastor at kids choir pizza party

Kids choir pizza party

This is Carter and Arica at the kids choir pizza party
with Pastor and Miss Kelly tonight before church.
They had a great time and I will post a video also but
I had to separate them as I couldn't figure out how to
put them all together. I hope you enjoy. 

Bailey all ready for church

I put Bailey in pigtails for church this morning and had
 to snap a picture because she looked so cute. She is getting too big too fast. Oh well, that's life. 
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Carter and Bailey

Carter and Bailey were playing in the laundry today and being silly. Aaron snapped this when he got home from school. What a couple of goof balls.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Carter sneaking up on Arica

Yesterday Arica came home from school and we started working on her homework. Part of that was reading out of one of her readers. While she was reading Carter got on the fire place ledge and crawled over to where Arica was reading. At first I thought he would scare her or something, but it turns out he just wanted to see the pictures as she read the story. I thought it was cute and had to snap the picture.
Arica is doing very good in school, and enjoys it a lot. She is starting to enjoy reading and is getting better at it the more she practices. Hope you enjoy the pictures and have a great day,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sword Fight

Last night we went over to some friends house. Randy and Chrissy have a little boy named William that is 3 days older than Carter. The boys started sword fighting and I ran to grab my phone so I could record it. I had to edit it down some so it would upload to the blog but it is still pretty entertaining. Hope you enjoy.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Carter and his Tiger hat

On Sunday nights Carter goes to a special class for 2 & 3 year olds. It is called The Zaccheaus Class. This class teaches them how to sit in church, hold a song book, shake hands with people and listen to Pastor when he is preaching. They sit in church together during the song service and announcements then go to their class after hand shaking time for their Bible lesson and to work on their memory verse. They usually always do a project to go along with the Bible lesson and last night when I picked Carter up he had this hat. He was very proud of that hat and was showing it to everyone and roaring. He loves going to Sunday school, Choir, Zaccheaus Class, and Eager Beavers and of course church service. In fact, Wednesday night Pastor was out of town and when it was time for preaching to start Carter looked at me and made his sign for Pastor and held his hands up like where is he ? It was so hilarious I wish I could have video recorded it. I am very thankful we go to a church that makes church exciting for our little ones and is willing to invest in their lives.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day . We hope you get at least some time off to relax and enjoy your family. Aaron is putting in his last day at Foremost and will be starting orientation for school tomorrow. Please continue to pray for us as we start this new phase of our lives.
Arica gets a day off of school and is glad for the break. She has been experiencing more homework this year and is less than thrilled but otherwise enjoys school.
Everything else here is about the same. We hope you have a great day. Happy grilling to those of you that plan to grill out today. Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Dad. Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you today. I hope you have a great day.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Carter our "joy"

Aaron took this picture Sunday night and I just had to share it with you.
We were putting the kids to bed and found Carter like this in our room. He is always cracking us up with the goofy stuff he comes up with all on his own. He is a joy to be around and I know he holds a special place in the hearts of the people who know him. He is an amazing little boy and I look forward to watching him grow into a very special man. God is always teaching me things through Carter that I might otherwise miss.
 Every time I think back to the time he was born and remember how scared we were, not knowing what to expect, I think of the last phrase in Psalm 30:5  "weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."  Carter is the joy and blessing that God gave us out of what we thought was a dark time in our lives. I am amazed at the way God can take our heartaches and mold them into something beautiful.
 Ecclesiastes 3:11

Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom

I just wanted to say a quick Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great day.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Peewee choir singing in church

Whew, I finally got this video uploaded. It only took me 4 hours. I guess that shows how much I know. : )
Pastor was sitting down in front with puppets that are used in the kids choir. He wanted to help them sing and they did a great job. We are so thankful to be part of a church and have a Pastor that values our little people . I hope you enjoy watching this as much as we did .
 Carter loves singing even if he can't say the words yet. He enjoys those hand motions and is very enthusiastic when we sing songs with motions. He is a blessing to us and I hope this blesses your heart also. Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Arica starts first grade

Arica starts first grade today and is very excited. The Lord was reminding me in my quiet time this morning not to take our family members for granted because our life is like a vapor. Boy, isn't that the truth. It doesn't seem like all that long ago we were bringing her home for the first time. They grow up so fast. Well, I thought you would enjoy this picture. Have a great day. Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Silly Boy Carter

This is a picture of Carter just being silly. He is always coming up with ways to entertain us and make us laugh. He truly is a blessing from God. It brings tears to my eyes every time I think of how far God has brought him. He truly is a gift from the Lord and I thank Him every day for giving us Carter.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Encouragement from evening church service

I just wanted to take a few minutes to share some of the encouragement we got at church last night.
Pastor was preaching out of Mark chapter 8 about faith. Jesus and the disciples had gotten into a ship after Jesus fed  4,000 people with 7 loaves of bread. The disciples realized they forgot to bring enough bread and only had one loaf. Jesus had to remind the disciples that he fed 5,000 with 5 loaves and just fed 4,000 with 7 loaves and that he could feed the whole ship with the one loaf they had.
So to summarize, Jesus plus what we have (our one loaf ) is more than enough to supply our needs. We don't need to go to anyone but the Lord to meet our needs. He owns the cattle on a 1,000 hills and promised to supply our needs. And when we get discouraged or doubtful all we need to do is look back at all the times He came through for us in the past and trust that He will come through for us again. I am so glad we serve a great God that cares of His children. I am also glad we go to a church where the Pastor takes the Word of God and challenges us to prove God and grow in our Christian life. If you would be interested in hearing the whole sermon you can listen to it at
It is titled Use Your Memory Through the Hard Times.
 Have a great day and God bless.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

This picture of Bailey was taken last night. She was determined to climb up on the couch all by herself. It took her a little while to accomplish it but she was very determined. She looked so proud of herself we had to snap a picture. I thought you would enjoy this so I thought I'd share. Hope you have a great day!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Quote for the day

I think quotes are little pieces of wisdom God gives to us through other people to encourage us as we go through life. So I decided to periodically post ones I find that encourage me. Hopefully they will also be an encouragement to you. So, here is the first one.
"God never gives us anything to do that He does not give us the strength to do."
Dr. Jack Hyles

Welcome to our new blog !

I have been thinking about doing a blog for awhile now and decided today to get started. Since we have family and friends all over the country I figured it would make it easier to keep everyone up to date. I will make a point to post pictures (after I learn how) as often as possible. This is a new learning experience for me. I hope you enjoy it as I start posting. Feel free to e-mail me with comments/suggestions. Enjoy!